
hvps-x can now generate waveforms

Firmware and GUI v1.2 have been released. This version adds an important functionality: hvps-x can now generate custom high-voltage waveforms! See Firmware update for instructions on how to upgrade your hvps-x to this new firmware version. You’ll also need to grab the new version of the GUI from the Download page. The new functionalities of the user interface […]

PCBA v1.4 released

A new PCBA version, version 1.4 has been released and documented on the website. This is the version we recommend to make. It includes 2 output current settings, a pad to connect the ground plane to earth ground for increased safety, and general routing improvements. We have also released a new 3D-printed protection enclosure for […]

hvps-x library/firmware v1.1

Happy New Year 2024 everyone! At Peta-pico-Voltron, we start the year with a new minor release (version 1.1) that introduces some novelties: Support for 6kV hvps-x. We have know built and tested 6kV, 5kV, and 4kV, and the new release includes all the required values to configure/work with a 6kV hvps-x. This is probably the […]

Current output of the hvps-x

We have performed measurements of the current transfer capabilities of the OPTO-150 optocoupler used as output stage of the hvpx-x. The current capability of the optocoupler determines how much current the power supply can deliver. The current output capability is a trade-off between safety and how fast the power supply can charge electrostatic actuators. The […]

Release the kraken!

It is time to release the beast: the first version of our new generation of high-voltage power supplies is now published on our website! You’ll find all the information to assemble your own power supply on the hvps-x section of the website. All components are available from the download page. Build instructions are already present […]

Electro-hydraulic actuator animates soft mini-robots

Here is a very nice application using a Peta-pico-Voltron HVPS to power electrostatic actuators: Electriflow, designed by Purnendu at University of Colorado Boulder, based on Christoph Keplinger’s HAZEL actuators. Link to article in Electronics Weekly: Electro-hydraulic actuator animates soft mini-robots by Steve Bush, 22.07.2021. Link to open-access conference proceeding. It’s always encouraging to see this […]

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